Eagle scout award
Application process
1. The Eagle Scout Scholarship Application form (Download the 2022 Application Here.)
2. The Four Generation ancestor chart (Download the 2021 Ancestor Chart Here.)
3. The 500 Word Patriotic Theme (See Theme Example Topics Here.)
Patriotic Theme Guidelines:
• Signer of Declaration of Independence
• Military or naval service
• Battle of Point Pleasant, October 10, 1774
• Service from April 19, 1775 to November 26, 1783
• Civil service under the Colonies from April 19, 1775 to November 26, 1783, inclusive Patriotic service by men or women during the Revolutionary period including – Member of committees made necessary by the war, such as Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety; Committee to care for soldiers’ families; including Committees from six months before the Battle of Point Pleasant which furthered the cause of the Colonies.
• Any pledge to support the cause of the Colonies, such as signing the Oath of Fidelity and Support, the Oath of Allegiance, Articles of Association, or the Association Test.
• Members of all Continental Congresses.
• Furnishing a substitute for military service.
• Signers of Mecklenburg Declaration, 1775; Albemarle, Virginia Declaration; and similar declarations. Signers of petitions addressed to and recognizing the authority of the provisional and new state governments. Persons accepting obligations or acting under direction of the provisional and new state governments, such as persons directed to hold elections, to oversee road construction, to collect provisions, etc.
• Members of Boston Tea Party; Kaskaskia Campaign; Galvez Expedition; Cherokee Expedition; Edenton Tea Party.
• Physician, Surgeon, nurse or others rendering aid to the wounded and ministers known to be in sympathy with the Colonies, either by sermon, speech or action.
• Defenders of forts and frontiers; Rangers.
• Prisoners of war, including those on British ship “Old Jersey” and other prison ships.
• Rendering material aid, such as furnishing supplies with or without remuneration; lending money to the colonies, munitions makers and gunsmiths; or anything which furthered the Cause.
• A battle or campaign during the Revolution, Valley Forge; some interesting episode in the life of an ancestor.
Submit your application & written theme:
Dr. John Freund
[email protected]
Where to Ask Questions:
Dr. John Freund
[email protected]
Prizes and recognitions are also awarded at the SAR State and National levels.
past winners
April 20th, 2020
Our 2020 North Carolina SAR Eagle Scout Scholarship Recipient was Blake Robinson, sponsored by the Mecklenburg chapter. Blake is pictured below without our usual pageantry because of the coronavirus event that canceled this year’s Annual Meeting.

April 8th, 2019
Eagle Scout Jonathan Goforth, from Charlotte, NC, accepts both the Mecklenburg Chapter and the North Carolina’s Eagle Scout Scholarship. In the photo is Jonathan and North Carolina SAR State President George Strunk. Jonathan graduates from high school this year and will pursue engineering degrees at Auburn.

February 18, 2016
This year’s annual Eagle Scout Scholarship was presented to Bo Carlson of Troop 3 at Myers Park United Methodist Church. In the photo below, left to right, Joan Rigel, Edward Rigel, SAR Vice President General of the South Atlantic District, Ben Franklin, Bo Carlson, and Tim Berly, North Carolina SAR state president, pose for a photo.

February 19, 2015
This year’s scholarship and award was earned by Eagle Scout Benjamin Gibson of Troop 11 in Charlotte. In the photo below, Benjamin, along with his mom and dad and chapter Eagle Scout program chairman Tim Berly, listen to Benjamin’s accomplishments that lead to his Eagle Scout scholarship.

February 20, 2014
The Mecklenburg Chapter presented our 2014 SAR Eagle Scout Award & Scholarship to Eagle Scout Allen Bosbyshell, III of Charlotte. The Award was presented during our annual President’s Day Community Dinner featuring George Washington. Allen is also the recipient of the NCSSAR Eagle Scout Scholarship for 2014.
Allen is a member of Troop 1 which is sponsored by Holy Comforter Episcopal Church in Charlotte. He has been involved in Cub and Boy Scouting for 11 years, earned 26 merit badges, was inducted into the Order of the Arrow and served several leadership positions in his troop including Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.